Posts with the category “newsletter-2024-05-23”

Pastor's Reflection 2024-05-23
May 23rd, 2024
Going through a transition is an important part of any person’s growth and evolution. Transitions help us grow. The same is true for churches.At Wesley there are two transitions happening during the m...  Read More
by Rev. John Oda
Welcome, Ivan
May 23rd, 2024
The Wesley Praise Band welcomes Ivan Vielma to its ranks starting May 19. Originally from Bakersfield, Ivan is a Junior Music Education major at San Jose State University where he also serves as a Res...  Read More
by Mark Teagle
Summer Singers needs you
May 23rd, 2024
Want to see what it's like to sing with a choir? No experience necessary. Music will be provided. Just come Sundays in July to join Summer Singers. 9:00 am warm-up; 10:00 sing in the service. It's a g...  Read More
by Mark Teagle
Children Ukulele Lessons
May 23rd, 2024
Has your child ever wanted to learn how to play ukulele? Do you want your child to learn an instrument? Here is your chance! We are doing children’s ukulele lessons at Wesley. Classes will be held onc...  Read More
by Gods Garden
The sunsetting of Wesley's Stephen Ministry
May 23rd, 2024
After more than 25 years of faithful service, Wesley's Stephen Ministry is coming to a close. The Stephen Ministers gathered on Saturday, May 4 in the Chapel to celebrate together and say thank you to...  Read More
by Mark Teagle
May 22nd, 2024
5月19日は聖霊降臨日(ペンテコステ)でした。主イエスの復活の主日から50日間は「復活節」と呼ばれ、この聖霊降臨日はその最後の日となります。この期間は「五旬節」とも呼ばれ、当時はユダヤ教の三大例祭の一つ、「七週の祭り」を指していました。これについて、旧約聖書のレビ記23章に次のように書かれています。 15あなたたちはこの(過越の祭りの)安息日の翌日、すなわち、初穂を携え奉納物とする日から数え始め、...  Read More
by Mimune T.
Eagle Scout Mural Project
May 22nd, 2024
A happy, colorful painting in our church’s 6th Street parking lot, invites all people, no matter what color or age or orientation, to come worship with us at Wesley UMC. This wonderful mural on the si...  Read More
by Scouts
A New Wesley Parsonage
May 22nd, 2024
A New Wesley Parsonage:building a legacy, providing a home, continuing to serve It is official! Our bid to purchase the Mineta family home at 545 N. Fifth St. was accepted and we are expecting to clos...  Read More
by Wesley UMC
A Reunion A Celebration A Blessing
May 22nd, 2024
What a momentous occasion…a visit with three of our Wesley Pastors all in one place and at the same time!  And in Japan even?  How can that be?   After a monumental amount of dedicated hard work and p...  Read More
by Barbara H.
Youth Camp Fundraising Success
May 22nd, 2024
Oh, My!  Look at all these wonderful goodies. My poor waistline, but this is so yummy. The Youth Camp Bake Sale fundraiser was quite a success raising $1,543 that will directly support Youth Camp subs...  Read More
by Barbara H.
Sunday May 19 Special Music
May 22nd, 2024
We had special contribution for the choral anthem on Sunday which featured a four-handed piano accompaniment to "Sing of the Lord's Goodness," with (from left) Marilyn Hasegawa, Shane Cantanho and the...  Read More
by Wesley UMC
Last Day of God’s Garden
May 22nd, 2024
We had our last day of Sunday School on May 19th. I’ve loved seeing how much the children have grown during this school year. With the, now, warmer weather, we are all ready for summer break to start ...  Read More
by Gods Garden
Crop Walk 2024
May 22nd, 2024
On May 19 Wesley joined in solidarity with eighty walkers from six local churches in the annual Church World Service CROP Walk to End Hunger. Almaden Hills UMC again hosted the event and treated every...  Read More
by Missions
“Nostalgia to Now”: A Show Stopper
May 17th, 2024
“Nostalgia to Now”: A Show StopperBy Barbara Hiura If you weren’t out hanging with the Wesley Jazz Ensemble and Friends on May 4, you missed a thrilling and a darn good time at Wesley’s Mission Fundra...  Read More
by Barbara H.
May 17th, 2024
We are looking forward to the return of AKI MATSURI (Fall Festival), a joyful Homecoming celebration! Plans are in motion to celebrate God's gift of community as we partner with each other to work and...  Read More
by Aki Matsuri
Umbrella Ministry Fall Prevention Workshop Resources
May 17th, 2024
Here are some resources that you may share with your community and for those who weren't able to attend:Farewell to Falls | Stanford Health CareThe CDC also has lots of wonderful information and free ...  Read More
by Wesley UMC
Nikkei Matsuri 2024
May 17th, 2024
Austin Powers and Teppan Tacos Highlight Nikkei Matsuri Phenom of the Nikkei Matsuri, held on April 21, in Japantown, was Austin Powers' live performance with the Wesley Jazz Band. Can you guess who t...  Read More
by Barbara H.