Crop Walk 2024

On May 19 Wesley joined in solidarity with eighty walkers from six local churches in the annual Church World Service CROP Walk to End Hunger. Almaden Hills UMC again hosted the event and treated everyone to root beer floats after the walk. Walkers chose either a one or three mile route to and around Almaden Lake.
Rev. Mariellen Sawada Yoshino reminded us why The Walk is vital. It's because thousands walk daily miles for food, water or wood for cooking. They walk to escape famine or the ravages of war. And we walk because our faithful God teaches us to care for the hungry, poor, and homeless. Perhaps tomorrow a family will receive a decent meal and hope that someone cared. And just maybe, those receiving food are our neighbors in shelters, parks, soup kitchens, and at our Tuesday food distribution.
Representing Wesley were Brian and Bich Nguyen-Hamilton, Bev and Hector Acuna, Brenda Gee, Jeffrey Oldham, Ed Gibo, Doris Tabuchi, and John Tanaka. Thanks to the generosity of Wesley supporters over $1,700.00 was raised. In addition, Missions will donate $1,000.00 to Church World Service that provides international humanitarian relief. CWS receives 75% while Sacred heart Community Services, Second Harvest Food Bank, and Martha's Kitchen will share the remaining 25%.
Donations accepted until June 2. Checks may be made payable to: CWS/ CROP Walk with Wesley UMC on memo line
If you would like to learn about Missions Committee, please contact Ed Gibo, John Tanaka, Doris, Judy Yasutake, or Judie Kanemoto.
Next on our calendar are the Wesley Golf Tournament in August and the Rise Against Hunger Food Packaging event in November. Check us out! Thank you as always.