The sunsetting of Wesley's Stephen Ministry

After more than 25 years of faithful service, Wesley's Stephen Ministry is coming to a close. The Stephen Ministers gathered on Saturday, May 4 in the Chapel to celebrate together and say thank you to those who started and sustained this ministry over the years. After a welcome from Stephen Leaders Helen Morimoto, Pat Higuchi and Michiko Collins and a song together, former Wesley pastor Rev. Mariellen Yoshino shared her memories of the beginnings of the ministry. Then several Stephen Ministers shared their remembrances including Jeff Leap, Rev. Jon Visitacion, and Roy Takeuchi. Rev. Keith Inouye shared via a video while Rev. Hajime Yamamoto and George and Mary Leano shared written messages. To remember the role-playing of their training, Jim Higuchi and Gene Kinoshita shared a skit. The Stephen Ministers received a thank you gift, and after a closing song, Rev. John Oda gave a special blessing and thanksgiving. The group enjoyed a delicious bento lunch.
Wesley is beginning a discernment process to consider how our congregational care needs will be met going forward.