2024-08-22 Good News

Aki Garden Donations Needed
August 22nd, 2024
Aki Garden Donations Needed! Our beloved Aki Matsuri will be upon us before we know it!  A lot of planning and organization is already going on.  The Aki Garden area is always a popular attraction.  We are soliciting/asking for any donations from those who might have plants, small trees, fruits or produce from their yards to sell.  If you have a talent to make any garden arrangements, this could a...
Kids Zone Donations Needed
August 22nd, 2024
Calling all Bargain Shoppers! This year's Kids Zone at Aki Matsuri will be home to games like ring toss, Daruma Dig, Hi-Lo, Yo-Yo Tsuri, and more! Kids will be playing hard to earn "smileys", which can be accumulated and turned in to win prizes! We're on the hunt for game prizes (brand new, unopened) to be donated to the Kids Zone. We welcome a variety of prizes, from small trinkets to bigger tick...
August 22nd, 2024
Our Aki Matsuri Leaders, Pam Urauchi, Kiyomi Yanai and Rob Hikido have been busy working with our various Aki committee leaders to create a joyful festival for Wesley and our community.  They held all-team meeting on Tuesday, August 20th in the Nichigo Chapel.There will be many opportunities for Wesley folks like you to join in. Think about how you can help. Jim Mar, our Volunteer Lead will be pos...
Agape Young Adult Group
August 22nd, 2024
Agape is the Greek word for selfless love, the love Jesus has for us and that we can have for one another. Our young adults seek to share that love when they meet on Sunday nights. If you or someone you know is interested, have them contact our Agape Leader Clarissa Johnston-Abril through the church office.......
Volunteer for the ERT
August 22nd, 2024
Please volunteer for the Emergency Response Team (ERT) The ERT is a group of volunteers who have agreed to take charge of emergency situations, if needed, during Sunday Worship service. Annual training on emergency procedures is scheduled for Sep 15 in the Sanctuary at 11:30 am. If you are willing to volunteer, please plan to attend this training which will be led by Japantown Prepared! (emergency...
Community News 08-22-2024
August 22nd, 2024
Community News: Aldersgate UMC: Salmon DinnerSaturday, September 28Pre-order deadline Sept 23(aumcpa.org/salmondinner2024)$30 per dinner, all ages Yu-Ai Kai Kenko (Healthy) Living SeriesNAVIGATING MEDICARE: Essential Information and GuidanceWed, Sept. 18, 2024, 10am to NoonRegister: (yuaikai-kls-medicare.eventbrite.com/) "The Volunteer" ScreeningJoin us for the screening & reflections from filmmak...
R.A.H. is coming November 9.
August 22nd, 2024
R.A.H. is coming November 9.A rise Against Hunger Dried Food Packaging Event is Saturday, Nov. 9. The holiday season is quickly approaching. Yet for thousands around the world, everyday faces the same challenges of securing food, clean drinking water, and gathering wood for cooking and shelter.In the Spirit of giving, you can make a difference. Come celebrate Wesley's fourth R.A.H. event, formerly...
Choir returns in September
August 22nd, 2024
For all those who love to sing, our wonderful Choir is returning in September. Rehearsals are every Wednesday, 7:15-8:45 pm in the Sanctuary, starting September 4. The Choir warms up every Sunday at 9:00 am to sing an anthem in the 10:00 am service. And we have fun together! Singing is so good for you: good for your lungs, good for your brain, good for your heart. And you will be part of a group t...
A Wesley Neighbor Group near you
August 22nd, 2024
Spread throughout Santa Clara Valley, Wesley's Neighbor Groups meet monthly to get to know one another, share in a thought-provoking discussion, and have fun. They meet in members' homes or other locations and help spread the good news. If you're not involved yet, you can be. Find a Neighbor Group today. More info? (markteagle@wesleysj.net)......
Visiting the Yamamoto Family
August 22nd, 2024
Andrew and Rebecca Urata visited Reverend Hajime Yamamoto's Church Itami Church in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, on July 28th 2024. Fortunately, the entire Yamamoto family was present as summer vacation had just begun.......
Staff Reflection
August 22nd, 2024
Music is one of the things that Wesley is known for. And the last few weeks have really borne that out. On Sunday, August 11, Shane Cantanho on keys and Ivan Vielma on vocals and percussion led our Praise Band on a musical journey of Latin-styled versions of some of our favorite songs. Both are right at home in that genre. Joining them were percussionists Todd Soo-Hoo, Marilyn Hasegawa, and Ryan M...
Artificial Intelligence....AI...Is Here
August 22nd, 2024
Artificial Intelligence....AI...Is Here! Yikes!!! Around 42 Primetimers attended this discussion on July 31 in the Chapel, on AI the new tech sweeping the country. Should we be afraid? After viewing a 60 Minutes segment on "The Godfather of AI Geoffrey Hinton", Roy Takeuchi talked about being impressed with what AI can do through an AI program called ChatGPT4 and through the massive amounts of dat...
Umbrella Ministry Lunch
August 22nd, 2024
Approximately 85 Primetimers attended the special lunch provided by Wesley's Umbrella Ministry on July 31st, and was it ever a fun-filled story-telling time for all who gathered, many of whom haven't seen one another since before the pandemic.  So this was quite special. Rev. Dick Corson got things started by thanking God for the assembly and of course this wonderful repast prepared by a number of...
Senior Bento Care-A-Van Delivery
August 22nd, 2024
Umbrella Ministry delivered lunches to 14 seniors as part of the Senior Fellowship Lunch on July 31st. Thank you to those who helped deliver the bentos!......
August 22nd, 2024
       4月のこのニュースレターではマタイ、マルコ、ルカの共観福音書についてお話ししましたが、今日は4つ目の福音書、ヨハネ伝(ヨハネによる福音書)について考えてみます。共観福音書は主イエスの宣教の働きについて多くを語っているのですが、このヨハネ伝は主イエスと神との関係、つまり神の子としての主イエス、そしてその言葉と業に現れる「愛」を伝えることに重きを置いています。この福音書が「初めに言があった。言は神と共にあった。」という有名な一節で始まっている事も、その裏付けと言えるかもしれません。       著者とされるヨハネという名前はヘブライ語「ヨハナン」が語源となり、その意味は「主は恵み深い」という意味だそうです。ところが聖書にはヨハネと呼ばれる人物が多く登場します。まずバプテスマのヨハネ、十二使徒の一人であるヨハネ、そして使徒言行録13章に出て来るバルナバとサウロの助手ヨハネなどです。...
Members of Wesley Ukulele Band Perform at the Forum
August 22nd, 2024
Members of Wesley Ukulele Band Perform at the Forum A number of Wesley Ukulele Band Members which included from left: Jake Shimada, Smiley Kai, Tina Urata, Ted and Marilyn Hasegawa, Becky Soffioto, Barbara Hiura, Mark Teagle, and Jane Wong, along with hula dancing friends performed twice at the Forum, a senior independent living residential community on July 31, and again at their Health Care Cent...
Ivan in "The Heights"
August 22nd, 2024
On August 3rd, our very own Praise Band lead singer, Ivan Vielma was seen as "Piragua Guy" in Lin-Manual Miranda's "Washington Heights" musical production held at the Crocker Theater at Cabrillo College, and Wow...can he sing and dance! The high energy performance by this relatively youthful cast, included bilingual rap and Latin dancing was an exciting show many of us didn't missed. A few of us w...
Jazz Music Ushers In Rally Sunday
August 22nd, 2024
Jazz Music Ushers In Rally Sunday! It was so wonderful to see all the children and youth on Rally Sunday!! As well as all the dedicated God’s Garden teachers. Rev John blessed some backpacks and presented a Bible. We had a delicious Fellowship Lunch after service. Thank you to everyone who helped make Rally Sunday possible! God's House was full to celebrae the God's Garden childen back to Sunday S...
NCJCCF Retreat
August 22nd, 2024
The annual Northern California Japanese Christian Church Federation (NCJCCF) Retreat was held at the Zephyr Point Conference Center in Lake Tahoe July 21 through July 26.Our guest speaker was the Rev. Michael Yoshii. His presentation reflected on the Spirituality in War and Peace and its impacts to each of our lives, from WWII / Internment; the Vietnam War; to today’s conflicts in the Middle East....
One More Year
August 22nd, 2024
One More Year!!! Kristin To from the SPRC committee made the exciting announcement that Rev. John Oda through the Methodist Annual Conference, was re-assigned to Wesley for his third year (can you believe that he's been here two years already?). She also recognized that Mark Teagle, with that long title that no one can remember...Director of Spiritual Formation, Community Engagement, and Music, ha...
Road Closure for Viva CalleSJ
Sunday, Sept. 8th
more info on (vivacallesj.org)