Umbrella Ministry Lunch

Approximately 85 Primetimers attended the special lunch provided by Wesley's Umbrella Ministry on July 31st, and was it ever a fun-filled story-telling time for all who gathered, many of whom haven't seen one another since before the pandemic.  So this was quite special.
Rev. Dick Corson got things started by thanking God for the assembly and of course this wonderful repast prepared by a number of Umbrella Ministry hosts.
Nice to see Janice Noda and Leighton Horio (above) as well as Amy Shiozaki and Diane Olusako (below), enjoying the afternoon.
It was a nice mix of Wesley people with, from left:  Ann Saito, Diana Marks and Judy Yasutake. And; look at the bento box filled with delectable treats...sushi, chicken teriyaki, edamame, fish and pork.  A treat not shown was home-made manju from the hands of Marcia Yasukawa seen at the far left of the photo, hostessing.
It was nice to see Pat Montgomery and Mary Horio as well as the Ohori's, Dennis and Pat, below.
Many thanks go out to the chairs of this Umbrella Ministry, Mary Sasaki, Lynn Tabuchi and Shelley Nakashima and to the many hosts for the party which included from left: Mary Sasaki, Keith Nakashima, Shelley Nakashima, Marcia Yasukawa (hand-made manju for desert), Jim Mar, Bev Acuna, Jim Fukuyama, Dale Sasaki (who made his famous pound cake), and Christine Ozawa.  Terri Koike (not shown) made gyoza for the gathering.