One More Year

One More Year!!!
Kristin To from the SPRC committee made the exciting announcement that Rev. John Oda through the Methodist Annual Conference, was re-assigned to Wesley for his third year (can you believe that he's been here two years already?).
She also recognized that Mark Teagle, with that long title that no one can remember...Director of Spiritual Formation, Community Engagement, and Music, has completed his 10th year as a Wesley Staff member. Can you believe that one? He is seen here with from left, Luz Gonzales and Rev. John.
Rev. John received his very own personal gluten free chocolate cake from Icing on the Cake in Los Gatos. Yummy! He was delighted to be back with us. After all, he's moving to the new parsonage across the street next year.
And of course, there was enough cake for everyone in church with this fancy glutenous cake(right) that all enjoyed and, celebrated with him, Luz and Mark.