Posts with the category “newsletter-2023-12-14”

Pastor's Reflection 2023-12-14
December 14th, 2023
Rev. John OdaHappy New Year!As I pen this reflection, the journey of 2023 will soon be part of our history, and the dawn of 2024 summons us with promises of new beginnings, fresh opportunities, and un...  Read More
by Rev. John Oda
Umbrella Ministry: December Care-A-Van Visits
December 12th, 2023
It is already December and the holidays are upon us. Umbrella Ministry visited some of our dear Wesley members this past Saturday. A warm thank you to Rev. Bobbie Corson, Rev. John, Mary and Dale Sasa...  Read More
by Wesley UMC
Stewardship 2023
December 12th, 2023
Thank you to all members who contributed to this year’s Stewardship Campaign! The Stewardship Campaign plays a critical role in funding the church’s operating budget, as around 80% of this budget ...  Read More
by Wesley UMC
December 12th, 2023
      2023年ももうすぐ終わり、2024年が目前に迫っています。この一年が長かったと思われる方、短かったと思われる方、夫々でしょうが、皆さまに...  Read More
by Mimune T.
Holiday Treat: Wesley Jazz Band Plays Christmas Music at Community Monthly Gathering.
December 11th, 2023
What an early Christmas Gift to our Wesley church members as the Wesley Jazz Band performed holiday music for us. The brass section featured solos by Duane Takahashi, Michael Yoshihara, and Len Fujita...  Read More
by Barbara H.
December’s Community Lunch was Filled with Christmas Spirit
December 11th, 2023
Look at this beautiful spread which included baked ham, healthy salads, rice dishes, baked squash, sautéed Chinese brocolli, sushi, chicken daikon soup, etc. here dominated by Kazuko, Kelli and Richa...  Read More
by Barbara H.
Peace, Please - Marks Week Two of Advent
December 11th, 2023
The Amanda Halbakken family, her mother and her children, were on hand to light the Peace candle of Advent.In part, they read the importance of peace. “We are the ones who are now called to stand as...  Read More
by Barbara H.
Hope Shines Through the First Sunday of Advent
December 11th, 2023
Jim and Pat Higuchi lit the candle of Hope kicking off the first week of Advent on Dec. 3. Our church focus this Advent season is on community and to that end, Pat in the photo below, read Psalm 122:1...  Read More
by Barbara H.
United Women in Faith - Christmas Lunch
December 8th, 2023
......  Read More
by Wesley UMC
FIRST TIME - Annual Christmas Luncheon
December 8th, 2023
SAN JOSE— With a sigh of relief, finally the Wesley Primetimers were able to have a face-to-face gathering after three years of COVID restrictions. Being a senior group with imuno-compromising cond...  Read More
by Barbara H.
Hanging of the Greens
December 7th, 2023
On Saturday, December 2, Wesley hosted our annual Hanging of the Greens with the theme, “Be the Light Help Spread Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace” The evening included delicious food, and festive music...  Read More
by Hikaru Bakoshi
Thanksgiving SOS Potluck
December 7th, 2023
On November 19, Wesley celebrated our Thanksgiving Share Our Substance or S.O.S. potluck lunch co-hosted by Compassion Ministry and Mission Committees. This year thirty roasted chickens were donated b...  Read More
by Wesley UMC
Grant School Moms Show Love With Tamales
December 4th, 2023
On Tuesday Nov. 14, Compassion Food Distribution volunteers were surprised by a huge homemade lunch! Grant School Moms, under the direction of Grant Elementary School Family Liaison Lilian Flores, pre...  Read More
by Compassion Ministry
Boy Scouts Canned Food and Warm Jacket Drive
December 4th, 2023
On Sunday Nov. 19, Boy Scout Troop 201 under the direction of Scoutmaster Tom Oda and Supermom Lynn Luong collected an amazing amount of non-perishable food and warm jackets! These much needed items w...  Read More
by Wesley UMC
Christmas Letter from Rev. John
December 1st, 2023
Dear Wesley Community,Greetings in the name of Christ! As we approach the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, I am filled with gratitude and warmth for each and every one of you. The Christmas s...  Read More
by Rev. John Oda
Curry Cook Off 2023
November 28th, 2023
The 2023 San Jose Japantown Curry Cook Off (CCO), held on November 18th, was a huge success. The 2023 Japantown Curry Cook Off was co-sponsored by the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin and Wesley Unit...  Read More
by Rev. John Oda