2025-01-23 Good News
Pastor's Reflection 2025-01-23
January 23rd, 2025
PASTOR'S REFLECTION On January 5, 2025 my life changed forever. My father died. Thankfully, he passed away peacefully and without any pain at the age of 98 after a short stay in the hospital.As I reflect on his life and deal with the feelings of loss, I know that I am not alone. Besides my own family’s feeling of loss, I am also aware that the sense of loss currently being felt by many in Los Ang...
Youth Worship Night & Lock In
January 23rd, 2025
Youth from Aldersgate UMC (Palo Alto), Buena Vista UMC (Alameda), UJCC (Clovis), West LA UMC (Los Angeles), Faith UMC (Torrance), Centenary UMC (Los Angeles) and Wesley gathered together for a lock-in, spent Saturday together with activities and dinner and stayed the night. They stayed for breakfast and worship.......
Community News 01-23-2025
January 23rd, 2025
2025 Scholarships AvailableSan Jose JACL is offering scholarships to high school seniors (graduating high school in the Spring of 2025), please contact Sharon Uyeda at (suyeda9356@aol.com) and request an application or go to (www.sanjosejacl.org) and complete the application. The scholarships range from $500 to $10,000 ($2,500 for each of 4 years). The deadline for submittal and considera...
UWF Reading Program
January 23rd, 2025
New books in the UWF 2025 Reading Program are on the book cart in the Fellowship Hall. The cart only has some of the books on the list. Feel free to borrow any that you’d like to read. Please return the books to the cart in a timely manner, so others can enjoy reading too! Here are a few recommended titles:“Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman (who “became a spiritual adviser to Martin Lu...
Candle of Love
January 23rd, 2025
The Tracy Matsui family lit the fourth Advent Candle on Dec. 22. "We light this candle of love as a sign of our commitment to live as people of God's promise, a promise of salvation and flourishing for all people that springs forth from God's love for all creation."......
January 23rd, 2025
毎年秋から冬にかけて、教会行事が毎週のように続きました。前回のニュースレターでも「クリスマス賛美の集い」について、また前回の日語レターでは1月12日のお雑煮について報告させて頂きました。 でもこの時期のもう一つ大切な日語の働きに、キャロリング訪問があります。これは毎年クリスマス礼拝後に有志が集まって、色々な事情で礼拝に参加できない方々やお年寄りの方々を訪問するのですが、今回はジェフ・ゴードン兄と明子姉ご夫妻、米司紀子姉、石川芙美姉、林栄一兄と富美子姉ご夫妻、そして塚本麗子姉をお訪ねしました。クリスマス讃美歌を共に歌い、歓談の時間も持ちながら、私たち一人一人に神様のお守りがあることを感謝することができました。 写真はその時のものです。来年もクリスマス礼拝後にキャロリングをしますので、参加できそうな方は今から予定に入れておいてください。 またこれまで長年に亘って、桑湾日語メソ...
Christmas Eve Service Lighting the Christ Candle
January 22nd, 2025
Rev. Jon and Mika Yanai Visitacion and family light the Advent candle for Joy and the Christ Candle during the Christmas Eve service held on Dec. 24. They read, “We light this candle as a sign of Christ coming to dwell with us, to live in the neighborhood of vulnerable humanity as a vulnerable child. May the light of Christ warm our hears and light our way as we share the joy of God’s salvation wh...
Gary Utsumi Retires from the Choir
January 22nd, 2025
After many decades of choir membership and dedication, our favorite baritone retires from singing in the choir. Our members have had the pleasure of hearing his beautiful voice over the years and treated to his Elvis Presely impersonation. Along with his singing acumen, the choir will miss his sardonic wit and barbs, and overall sense of humor as well. Our parting shot. Mayumi, Jim, Nora, Shane...
Love, Faith, and Hope in Action
January 22nd, 2025
Luke 6:38“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured to you.” Overall, the Bible teaches that helping others is not only a moral obligation, but is also an expression of faith and love. Helping others is not only a good thing to do, but it is also somet...
Christmas Potluck
January 22nd, 2025
What a spread coming from Panda Express. The hosts ensure all the food was put out: Jane Hayashi, Jim Mar, Kelli Martines, Bev Acuna, Terri Koike, Judy Yasutake and Grace Wada. Marilyn Murata, finally recovered from sepsis, was back to eating heartily with Roger Saito helping himself. Hector Acuna chit chats with Ernie Murata who has come back hale and hearty from back surgery. Luz Gonzales and M...
Wesley hosts Rapid Responder Network Volunteer Training
January 22nd, 2025
Wesley hosts Jan. 11 Rapid Responder Network Volunteer Training More than 120 people crowded into the Wesley Fellowship Hall on Saturday, January 11 for a Volunteer Training for the Rapid Response Network. After introductions by Susan Hayase of San Jose Nikkei Resisters and a welcome from Mark Teagle, Jesus Ruiz, an organizer for Pangea Legal Services, talked about how to respond to ICE actions ag...
Mele Kalikimaka Christ Is Born
January 22nd, 2025
Mele Kalikimaka! Christ Is Born! By Barbara Hiura, Photos by Its Yokota Christ is born! In celebration, Wesley held a Hawaiian-themed Happy Birthday party for Jesus on Dec. 24, with music and talk-stories for all in attendance to hear. What a marvelous way to welcome our Savior Jesus, into our lives. The stage was full with the chancel choir, Wesley Ukulele Band and the Praise Band. The Sanct...
Happy New Year It's Ozoni
January 22nd, 2025
Happy New Year!!! It's Ozoni by Barbara Hiura The Nichigo, et al., worked very hard preparing Ozoni, the traditional Japanese New Year soup for the whole church. We have Akiko Buchanan to thank for the very tasty broth and the crew for all their prep work along with toasting all the mochi and helping our church celebrate the New Year properly. Front row (from left): Shizuko Adachi, Akiko Gordon, K...
Camp Mochi Thank you
January 22nd, 2025
Many thanks to those who made another fun Camp Mochi possible for 32 children!Session Leads: Michiko Collins, Hatty Lin, Christine Ozawa, Marcia YasukawaSession Assistants: Kaylee Lopez, Ken Okano, Richard Poczulp, Kayla Shimada, Brennan WongTeachers: Bev Acuna, Joelle Haneta, Trisha Kuwada, Hailey OshitaYouth Assistants: Keana, Hideo, Sato, Kacie, Kenzie, Brayden, MarcusStaff Support: Hikaru Bako...
Two Thousand Lbs. of Mochi
January 22nd, 2025
Two Thousand Lbs. of Mochi! Wow!!!By Barbara Hiura Oh gosh…it’s that time of year again, already! Just after Christmas, and as we’re recovering from that holiday, it’s Mochitsuki time and the approach of the New Year. Wesley Church is now in high gear, all abuzz with activity as a familiar crew works days in advance washing a ton of rice and soaking it in preparation for making mochi. But, oh, thi...

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Posted in Web Newsletter 2023