2024 Primetimers
Wesley Primetimers
2024 Charge Conference Report
2024 Charge Conference Report
In an attempt to reorganize the church's calendar, days and times following the pandemic era, created an adjustment for the Primetimers. We finally adjusted to the new day of the week and time schedule. The other factor was the meetings time.
The people traveling to the church in the morning traffic hour from the southern part of San Jose, learn that it was too hectic, therefore we change our meeting time to start an hour later than originally planned planned.
Once we arrived at church it was fine, getting to the Wesley was the challenged.
One of our challenges as the seniors get older, driving has become more of an issue. We must rely on other to help, especially if one need to drive any distance.
We have discontinue meeting on the Zoom meetings, because this method worked only for a few, many of us preferred to meet in person.
We try to finish each year with or Christmas Pot luck gathering before the Christian Holidays and this year will be no different. We enjoy each other company, with the pot luck lunch, music, singing, and games.
The people traveling to the church in the morning traffic hour from the southern part of San Jose, learn that it was too hectic, therefore we change our meeting time to start an hour later than originally planned planned.
Once we arrived at church it was fine, getting to the Wesley was the challenged.
One of our challenges as the seniors get older, driving has become more of an issue. We must rely on other to help, especially if one need to drive any distance.
We have discontinue meeting on the Zoom meetings, because this method worked only for a few, many of us preferred to meet in person.
We try to finish each year with or Christmas Pot luck gathering before the Christian Holidays and this year will be no different. We enjoy each other company, with the pot luck lunch, music, singing, and games.
Posted in Charge Conference 2024