Lay Leader 2024

Lay Leader Report 2024
We Celebrate Our Mission Statement in Action:
• “Wesley United Methodist Church is a caring, intergenerational, inclusive faith community committed to helping people develop and deepen a relationship with God through Jesus Christ for loving service in the world.”

We Celebrate and Value Our Pastors and Church Staff:
• Celebrating and valuing Rev. John Oda’s pastoral leadership
• Celebrating and valuing our dedicated church staff and laity

We Celebrate “Time to Reflect & Reimagine” All Church Retreat:
• Reflecting on the traditions and spirit of Wesley church, how do we adapt to invite more into our church community.
• Listening to many voices as we explore rebranding and build on our church strengths.

We Celebrate Our Ministries:
• Compassion Ministry
Wesley Neighborhood Food Distribution: A team of dedicated volunteers at the Compassion Workshop distribute much needed food and supplies to individuals and families in our community with warm hospitality and kindness.
St. James Park Ministry: A team of passionate volunteers provide a sense of belonging and purpose to our unhoused friends, who look forward to conversations and appreciate a bag of food and warm snacks each week.
Casa de Clara: A compassion cooking team prepares a meal for the volunteers and guests twice a month for Casa de Clara, a place in the neighborhood that provides transitional housing.

• Reconciling Ministry
Wesley has been a fully Reconciling church for many years and the Reconciling Committee has led the way in Wesley’s ongoing commitment to make our church a safe and welcoming place for LGBTQIA+ Christians of all ages.  Our Reconciling Committee sponsors an annual Reconciling Service along with a Bake Sale to raise money for the Reconciling Ministries Network.

• Umbrella Ministry
The Umbrella Ministry continues to address the physical, social, emotional and spiritual well-being of all ages. Continued classes of wellness and exercise and computer learning as well as visitations and intergenerational activities and workshops are held throughout the year.  A Bento lunch was made and provided to over 80 Seniors of Wesley church to thank them for their continued support to our church.  The Blessing of the Pets was held as a community outreach event.

• Stephen Ministry, United Women in Faith, Men’s Ministries, Mission Committee, Fellowship Ministries
Fostering engagement and support  to care for our church family, community, and world.

• Camping Ministries and Retreats
The various camps and retreats allowed people to make new friends, share experiences, and learn from each other while focusing and connecting with God. There were camping opportunities for people of all ages- Kids Camp, Jr. High Camp, Asian Camp, Lake Tahoe Zephyr Point Retreat, All-Church Camp, and our All-Church Retreat.

As disciples of Christ, we love God, we love one another and serve others.

Respectfully submitted,
Shelley Nakashima and Kellie Nunokawa, Co-Lay Leaders