Thank You From the Aki Gardens Booth at the 2024 Wesley UMC Aki Matsuri

By Terri Koike (Aki Garden lead)
“Cultivate Lasting Friendships, Sow Seeds of Kindness,
Listen to Sage Advice,
Don’t Let the Little Things Bug You,
Be Outstanding in Your Field, Take Thyme for Yourself
No Vining!”
(Taken From Your True Nature: “Advice From a Garden”)
For anyone who attended this year’s Aki Matsuri on October 5th , how could you have not seen the Aki Gardens booth?
We totally rocked!  We had a boat load of whimsical dish gardens, fig trees/sago palms, succulents, flowers, vegetables, pots, and more… Many of which were cultivated and donated from private Wesley home gardens.  Several customers went away with grateful smiles, happy with the one of kind purchases and bargain prices found!  Thank you to all who donated and volunteered at the booth, but especially to The Kawahara Nurseries for donating a huge quantity of beautiful flowers, succulents, and pots which rounded out 5 full plant tables!
April Kawahara & Cindy Fukuda (Co-Leads) and Terri Koike (Lead)
Marcella Rensi
Happy shoppers!