Many Thanks From the Wesley United Women in Faith

The 2024 Wesley Rummage Sale
Many Thanks From the Wesley United Women in Faith
by Terri Koike & Bev Acuna
“Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of you souls.” 1 Peter  1: 8-9
Salvation doesn’t come just from gathering at church, believing in God, or understanding the doctrines of the church; it comes from how we live.
Another massive Wesley Rummage Sale has come and gone in a whirlwind!  How did we do it?  It all seems like a dream now.
We did it with a lot of hard work, sweat, and a multitude of people:  Wesley members, Boy Scouts, and several people who were not even a part of our Wesley community…..working together out of the kindness of their hearts for a common cause….helping others.  It is estimated that we had at least 94 people total, who took the time to volunteer and help with this year’s Rummage Sale:  From the initial set-up in the Social Hall to the sorting and pricing of items, to the actual Sale Day.
Thanks to our annual Wesley UWF Rummage Sale, thousands of dollars will support organizations like UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) which sends funds Nationally & Internationally for humanitarian & natural disasters, Gum Moon & Mary Elizabeth residences that provide support to women who are homeless, low-income and/or survivors of domestic violence, ARI (Asian Rural Institute—training rural leaders worldwide in farming-- using environmentally healthier & just means, the GEM organization (Girls Embracing Mothers in Prison), our own Compassion Ministry and more.  Hundreds of our neighbors, many low-income, came to shop and found fantastic bargains.
So many people need to be thanked….it is impossible to thank them all, but here is a handful of people who need special thanks:
-John Tanaka, our wise Yoda, who always gave us sage advice with a pinch of humor to keep us laughing, helping with Social Hall and parking lot table set-up.
-Amy Kaneshiro for allowing her garage to be a drop off spot for multiple people.
-Cynthia Fukuda --for being the lead for electrical and canopy set-up, and was the “barker” for the check-out line.
-The hard-working money counters at check-out and the cashiers at the Main cash registers: Carmen Cook & Lynn Tabuchi.  They all did a fantastic job keeping the check-out line moving faster this year.
-Jim & Kazuko Tengan for volunteering to count all the funds during the event.
-All the volunteers who did the tedious work of sorting and pricing items Pre-Sale Days.
-All the women in the Wesley Treasure Room under the able direction of Jeanne Katsuro (main Lead) & Ann Sifflet. (Co-lead)
-Our Security people who kept our event secure!
Thank you to everyone who donated to the Rummage Sale and who helped to make the event a success!