能登地震募金報告 Noto Earthquake Relief Report
Noto Earthquake Relief Report
Noto Earthquake Relief Report

先月14日からお願いしていた能登地震の募金は、広くウェスレーの信徒の皆さま、サフラン会、また教会のMissions Committee のご協力を頂き、$4,291.75と日本円で1万円もの金額が集まりました。このお金は山本先生に託し、帰国後、先生から日本基督教団の能登復興支援基金に送ってくださるようお願いしたのですが、先日、先生から以下のような報告が届きました。長文になりますので、ここでは要約してお伝えします。
1)日本基督教団社会部(30万円): 能登で被災した日本基督教団(United Church of Christ in Japan)の諸教会の再建のために用いられます。その中の一つ、輪島教会は17年前の地震の時にも会堂が被災しました。その後再建されたにもかかわらず、今回はその 時以上の被害が出てしまい、教会の人たちは悲しみと痛みの中に置かれています。
2)「日本基督教団兵庫教区 被災者生活支援長田センター」(34万円): 広く現地の方々に直接的に支援を届けているパートナーを通して、被災地に用いられます。このパートナーには真宗大谷派兵庫県南部地震現地救援連絡拠点「ネットワーク朋」と「穴水町ボランティア連絡協議会」があり、夫々にこの地域の復興のために活発な支援を進められています。
「主は言われる。私があなたがたに対していだいている計画は私が知っている。それは災いを与えようというのではなく、平安を与えようとするものであり、あなたがたに将来を与え、希望を与えようとするものである。」 エレミヤ書29章11節
(報告:伊丹教会 山本 一)
1)日本基督教団社会部(30万円): 能登で被災した日本基督教団(United Church of Christ in Japan)の諸教会の再建のために用いられます。その中の一つ、輪島教会は17年前の地震の時にも会堂が被災しました。その後再建されたにもかかわらず、今回はその 時以上の被害が出てしまい、教会の人たちは悲しみと痛みの中に置かれています。
2)「日本基督教団兵庫教区 被災者生活支援長田センター」(34万円): 広く現地の方々に直接的に支援を届けているパートナーを通して、被災地に用いられます。このパートナーには真宗大谷派兵庫県南部地震現地救援連絡拠点「ネットワーク朋」と「穴水町ボランティア連絡協議会」があり、夫々にこの地域の復興のために活発な支援を進められています。
「主は言われる。私があなたがたに対していだいている計画は私が知っている。それは災いを与えようというのではなく、平安を与えようとするものであり、あなたがたに将来を与え、希望を与えようとするものである。」 エレミヤ書29章11節
(報告:伊丹教会 山本 一)

The Noto Earthquake Relief that we started on the 14th of last month has raised $4,291.75 and 10,000 Japanese yen, thanks to you, Saffron-Kai, and the Wesley Missions Committee. We entrusted this money to Rev. Hajime Yamamoto and asked him to send it to the Noto Relief Fund of the United Church of Christ in Japan (UCCJ) after his return to home. The following is a summary of his detailed report.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generous donation for the Noto Earthquake that occurred on January 1 this year. We have converted your donation at the current exchange rate and sent it to the following organizations.
(1) Social Department of UCCJ (300,000 yen): This donation will be used to rebuild several churches of the UCCJ in Noto. One of the churches, Wajima Church, suffered major damage from the earthquake 17 years ago. Although the church was rebuilt after then, they experienced even greater damage this time.
(2) Nagata Center for Disaster Support of the Hyogo District of UCCJ (340,000 yen): This fund will be used through partners who are providing direct assistance to people. These partners include "Network Tomo" the local relief liaison base for the Shinshu Otani-ha Hyogo Disaster Support, a Buddhist organization, and the "Anamizu Volunteer Liaison Council," both of which have been active in providing support for the recovery of the area.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for remembering Noto and sending your precious donations from far away in the United States. The road to recovery is long, but we will continue to work together for the people affected by the disaster, remembering the words of Jeremiah as posted on the Wajima Church website.
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Thank you for your prayers always,
(Reported by Rev Hajime Yamamoto, Itami Church)
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generous donation for the Noto Earthquake that occurred on January 1 this year. We have converted your donation at the current exchange rate and sent it to the following organizations.
(1) Social Department of UCCJ (300,000 yen): This donation will be used to rebuild several churches of the UCCJ in Noto. One of the churches, Wajima Church, suffered major damage from the earthquake 17 years ago. Although the church was rebuilt after then, they experienced even greater damage this time.
(2) Nagata Center for Disaster Support of the Hyogo District of UCCJ (340,000 yen): This fund will be used through partners who are providing direct assistance to people. These partners include "Network Tomo" the local relief liaison base for the Shinshu Otani-ha Hyogo Disaster Support, a Buddhist organization, and the "Anamizu Volunteer Liaison Council," both of which have been active in providing support for the recovery of the area.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for remembering Noto and sending your precious donations from far away in the United States. The road to recovery is long, but we will continue to work together for the people affected by the disaster, remembering the words of Jeremiah as posted on the Wajima Church website.
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Thank you for your prayers always,
(Reported by Rev Hajime Yamamoto, Itami Church)

Posted in Newsletter 2024-02-22