Day of Remembrance 2024
As our own Rev. John Oda began the 44th annual Japantown Day of Remembrance with an Aspiration, hundreds gathered in the Annex at the Buddhist Church to take part. San Jose State University was represented by speakers Dr. Yvonne Kwan, professor of Asian Studies, and former Student Body President and activist Nina Chuang. Wesley member Alice Hikido was among those lighting candles to remember those incarcerated in the camps, those who served in the military, and those who were detained by the Department of Justice. The rain eased enough for the traditional candlelight walk through Japantown as attendees reflected on the past, present, and future of our community. A video of incarceration survivor Susumu Ikeda was also featured. Community speakers included Athar Siddique from the South Bay Islamic Association, and Samir Laymoun, a Palestinian organizer. After a rousing performance by San Jose Taiko, Rinban Gerald Sakamoto offered a closing reflection. Many enjoyed the sushi rolls donated by the Wesley Missions Committee that were offered for sale. Thank you to all the participants from the Wesley and Japantown community.

Posted in Newsletter 2024-02-22