Dress a Girl Around the World Update at Wesley UMC
Dress a Girl Around the World Update at Wesley UMC: Feb. 4, 2024
Making a Difference One Dress at a Time
Making a Difference One Dress at a Time
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Prov. 3:5-6
Over the past 7 months, nine of our Wesley UWF members have been quietly sewing dresses for the Dress a Girl Around the World Organization. Most members have participated in this project before, experiencing God “straightening their paths,” but they’ve proven before and even now, that their paths need little straightening. Special thanks to our Wesley Sisterhood of Sewers: Judy Takeshima-Nolen (from North Fork, California), Florence Oishi, Jane Hayashi, Marcia Yasukawa, Julia Kozen, Cynthia Fukuda, Marcella Rensi, Bev Acuna, and Terri Koike who took the time to sew.
Fifty-five dresses were completed. They all will be going to the outer Philippine Islands, reaching indigenous groups who have been extremely difficult to reach and to impoverished areas in Manila.
They were blessed by Rev. John and the Wesley congregation during the February 4th church service.
The goal of the Dress a Girl organization is “to endeavor to raise the esteem of girls living in poverty around the world by providing them with a made-with-love, well-constructed, beautiful dress!”
We will continue to do this worthwhile project as long as there is interest.
Contact Terri Koike for any questions about this article. You can find her contact information in the church directory.
For more information on the Dress A Girl Around the World Organization:
Fifty-five dresses were completed. They all will be going to the outer Philippine Islands, reaching indigenous groups who have been extremely difficult to reach and to impoverished areas in Manila.
They were blessed by Rev. John and the Wesley congregation during the February 4th church service.
The goal of the Dress a Girl organization is “to endeavor to raise the esteem of girls living in poverty around the world by providing them with a made-with-love, well-constructed, beautiful dress!”
We will continue to do this worthwhile project as long as there is interest.
Contact Terri Koike for any questions about this article. You can find her contact information in the church directory.
For more information on the Dress A Girl Around the World Organization:

55 dresses were completed by our Wesley UWF Sisters.
Posted in Newsletter 2024-02-22