The 2024 Installation of United Women in Faith
The 2024 Installation of United Women in Faith/UWF Officers and Presentation of the 2024 UWF Special Mission Recognition Awards
In the Bible, the Book of Matthew, chapter 22, verses 37-39, we hear Jesus teach, the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.
Ai Shin, Ai Rin……Love God, Love One Another,…… our Wesley church motto.
This is the heart of our United Women in Faith (UWF).
On 1/21/24, we held our annual installation of the 2024 UWF Leadership Officers: Mary Horio (President), Kazuko Tengan (Vice President/Spiritual Growth), Bev Acuna (Secretary), DeeDee Azuma (Treasurer), Shizuko Adachi (Nichigobu Liason), Mary Chafey (Prayer Chain/Program Resources), Terri Koike (Social Action/Sarah Circle), Joanne Kumano (Membership/Nuture & Outreach), and Bobbie Ueunten (Cookbook). We praise our loving God as our UWF team continues to renew their commitment to turning scripture into action….proving that love in action can change the world.
During the service, four individuals were recognized for Special Mission Recognition (SMR) awards: Misao Kusuda, Lori Longmire, Roger Miller, and Shelley Nakashima. Powerful words were used to describe their dedicated, faithful, and impactful service to our church, community, and beyond. Words like: “serving with compassion & respect,” “boundless generosity,” “volunteers with passion & joy”, “acts out of love & kindness,” “whole-heartedly improving the lives of those in need,” were just some of the words that were used to describe the honorees. Their service enlightened all of us to understand that their collective service truly strengthens God’s love and light to shine ever so brightly each and every day.
With heartfelt thanks and gratitude our honorees were presented with a SMR pin and a donation was also made in their honor to the national UWF.
The celebration continued with joyful fellowship time and a wonderful spread of treats supplied by the UWF.
“To God be the glory for the great things God will do through and for United Women in Faith in 2024!”
(Sally Vonner, General Secretary and CEO UWF, Response Magazine, Jan/Feb 2024 issue)
Ai Shin, Ai Rin……Love God, Love One Another,…… our Wesley church motto.
This is the heart of our United Women in Faith (UWF).
On 1/21/24, we held our annual installation of the 2024 UWF Leadership Officers: Mary Horio (President), Kazuko Tengan (Vice President/Spiritual Growth), Bev Acuna (Secretary), DeeDee Azuma (Treasurer), Shizuko Adachi (Nichigobu Liason), Mary Chafey (Prayer Chain/Program Resources), Terri Koike (Social Action/Sarah Circle), Joanne Kumano (Membership/Nuture & Outreach), and Bobbie Ueunten (Cookbook). We praise our loving God as our UWF team continues to renew their commitment to turning scripture into action….proving that love in action can change the world.
During the service, four individuals were recognized for Special Mission Recognition (SMR) awards: Misao Kusuda, Lori Longmire, Roger Miller, and Shelley Nakashima. Powerful words were used to describe their dedicated, faithful, and impactful service to our church, community, and beyond. Words like: “serving with compassion & respect,” “boundless generosity,” “volunteers with passion & joy”, “acts out of love & kindness,” “whole-heartedly improving the lives of those in need,” were just some of the words that were used to describe the honorees. Their service enlightened all of us to understand that their collective service truly strengthens God’s love and light to shine ever so brightly each and every day.
With heartfelt thanks and gratitude our honorees were presented with a SMR pin and a donation was also made in their honor to the national UWF.
The celebration continued with joyful fellowship time and a wonderful spread of treats supplied by the UWF.
“To God be the glory for the great things God will do through and for United Women in Faith in 2024!”
(Sally Vonner, General Secretary and CEO UWF, Response Magazine, Jan/Feb 2024 issue)

2024 UWF Leadership Officers

2024 Special Mission Recognition Honorees: (L-R: Misao Kusuda, Lori Longmire, Roger Miller, & Shelley Nakashima)
Posted in Newsletter 2024-01-25