Kids Camp
Wesley United Methodist Church
Kids Camp 2023
Hero Hotline: Called Together to Serve
Kids Camp 2023
Hero Hotline: Called Together to Serve

Thank You
Thank you for joining us for Kids Camp 2023: Hero Hotline! Our “Superheroes” were busy all week, learning that everyone’s gifts are valued and every hero has a role to play. Our “Hotline Verse” (Bible verse theme) for the week was “So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up” (Romans 14:19). Through music, storytelling, crafts, science, culinary creations, and daily field trips, Superheroes answered the call to serve, bring peace, and build each other up! It was pure joy watching campers enthusiastically engage in projects, sing and dance, build friendships, and grow in their faith in God.
Thank you for joining us for Kids Camp 2023: Hero Hotline! Our “Superheroes” were busy all week, learning that everyone’s gifts are valued and every hero has a role to play. Our “Hotline Verse” (Bible verse theme) for the week was “So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up” (Romans 14:19). Through music, storytelling, crafts, science, culinary creations, and daily field trips, Superheroes answered the call to serve, bring peace, and build each other up! It was pure joy watching campers enthusiastically engage in projects, sing and dance, build friendships, and grow in their faith in God.
A Look Back at the Week
Morning Worship: Each day kicked off with a morning message, Bible story skits acted out by our storytellers and youth assistants, and music and singing from our music leads. Campers started hopping up on-stage to help lead the songs by the end of the week!
Classroom Time: Superheroes spent time each morning with their teacher and youth assistant(s), diving deeper into the “Hotline Tip” of the day, and spending time with their classmates.
Activity Rotations: From Science, to Crafts, to Missions, to Culinary Creations – the engaging activities didn’t stop. Heroes made super bubble blowers in science, decorated superhero capes in crafts, assembled bags of food for Wesley’s food distribution in Missions, and cooked up “Work Together” pizzas in Culinary Creations!
Morning Worship: Each day kicked off with a morning message, Bible story skits acted out by our storytellers and youth assistants, and music and singing from our music leads. Campers started hopping up on-stage to help lead the songs by the end of the week!
Classroom Time: Superheroes spent time each morning with their teacher and youth assistant(s), diving deeper into the “Hotline Tip” of the day, and spending time with their classmates.
Activity Rotations: From Science, to Crafts, to Missions, to Culinary Creations – the engaging activities didn’t stop. Heroes made super bubble blowers in science, decorated superhero capes in crafts, assembled bags of food for Wesley’s food distribution in Missions, and cooked up “Work Together” pizzas in Culinary Creations!
Tween Scene
Woodworking: Tweens learned woodworking skills as they built marshmallow catapults.
Cooking: Yum - tweens made sushi hand rolls and personal pizzas, which were eaten straight
out of the oven.
Crafts: The tweens crafted fleece blankets to be donated to the Humane Society
Drama: Tweens had a drama session with Mr. Mark, and then acted out the Bible story skit on
the final day!
Woodworking: Tweens learned woodworking skills as they built marshmallow catapults.
Cooking: Yum - tweens made sushi hand rolls and personal pizzas, which were eaten straight
out of the oven.
Crafts: The tweens crafted fleece blankets to be donated to the Humane Society
Drama: Tweens had a drama session with Mr. Mark, and then acted out the Bible story skit on
the final day!
Tween-only Field Trips
Rockin’ Jump: A popular field trip – the Tweens bounced all afternoon at the trampoline park!
Pay Pal Stadium: The Tweens toured Pay Pal Stadium, home of the San Jose Earthquakes Major League Soccer team. In addition to the tour, they also received a free ticket to a game this fall!
Rockin’ Jump: A popular field trip – the Tweens bounced all afternoon at the trampoline park!
Pay Pal Stadium: The Tweens toured Pay Pal Stadium, home of the San Jose Earthquakes Major League Soccer team. In addition to the tour, they also received a free ticket to a game this fall!
Elementary-only Field Trips
Ortega Park: It was a gorgeous day at the park, where campers enjoyed a picnic lunch, then had an afternoon of playing – playground, bubbles, parachute, basketball, etc. Sunnyvale Fire Station #5: The Sunnyvale Police and Fire Department showed up in full force! Campers got to see the fire engine and police car up close, some had the chance to spray the hose, and there was even a special visit from the fire house dog.
DeAnza Planetarium: Campers immersed themselves under the full dome of stars at the planetarium, discovering secrets of the sun, moon, and planets.
Ortega Park: It was a gorgeous day at the park, where campers enjoyed a picnic lunch, then had an afternoon of playing – playground, bubbles, parachute, basketball, etc. Sunnyvale Fire Station #5: The Sunnyvale Police and Fire Department showed up in full force! Campers got to see the fire engine and police car up close, some had the chance to spray the hose, and there was even a special visit from the fire house dog.
DeAnza Planetarium: Campers immersed themselves under the full dome of stars at the planetarium, discovering secrets of the sun, moon, and planets.
All-Camp Field Trips
4th Street Bowl: Tweens and campers went to the bowling alley to throw some strikes. Everyone was cheering and supporting one another!
Tech Interactive: On the final day of camp, tweens and elementary campers were buddied up in small groups to explore the hands-on exhibits. It was wonderful seeing the tweens take on a leadership role and interacting with the younger campers.
4th Street Bowl: Tweens and campers went to the bowling alley to throw some strikes. Everyone was cheering and supporting one another!
Tech Interactive: On the final day of camp, tweens and elementary campers were buddied up in small groups to explore the hands-on exhibits. It was wonderful seeing the tweens take on a leadership role and interacting with the younger campers.

Thank you for an AMAZING week of Kids Camp!
Ways to Stay Connected
God’s Garden: Join us at Wesley this fall for God’s Garden, our Sunday school program for grades PK-5, and CAF for grades 6-8. We’ll kick off the season with Rally Sunday on Sept. 10th. Contact Hatty Lin, Director of Children’s Ministry, at for more information.
Boy Scouts: Wesley Scouting welcomes new families to join in the adventures of Scouting! Boys and girls grades K-5 can join Cub Scouts, and those grades 6-12 can join the Boy Scout program. Through outdoor adventures, volunteer service, and leadership opportunities, the Scouting program prepares youth to be their best self! If you're interested in joining, reach out to Tom Oda, Scoutmaster ( or Tina Urata, Cubmaster (
All-Church Camp: Enjoy a relaxing Labor Day weekend (Sept. 1-4) at Camp Oski at Pinecrest Lake for Wesley’s All-Church Camp. With tent cabins, three warm meals provided a day, fishing at the lake, campfires with s’mores at night – it’s a long weekend you won’t want to miss! Contact John Ng at for more information and to sign-up.
Kids Camp 2024: Join us next summer for another fun-filled week at Kids Camp! We can’t wait to see you next year! Contact us at if you have any questions.
Ways to Stay Connected
God’s Garden: Join us at Wesley this fall for God’s Garden, our Sunday school program for grades PK-5, and CAF for grades 6-8. We’ll kick off the season with Rally Sunday on Sept. 10th. Contact Hatty Lin, Director of Children’s Ministry, at for more information.
Boy Scouts: Wesley Scouting welcomes new families to join in the adventures of Scouting! Boys and girls grades K-5 can join Cub Scouts, and those grades 6-12 can join the Boy Scout program. Through outdoor adventures, volunteer service, and leadership opportunities, the Scouting program prepares youth to be their best self! If you're interested in joining, reach out to Tom Oda, Scoutmaster ( or Tina Urata, Cubmaster (
All-Church Camp: Enjoy a relaxing Labor Day weekend (Sept. 1-4) at Camp Oski at Pinecrest Lake for Wesley’s All-Church Camp. With tent cabins, three warm meals provided a day, fishing at the lake, campfires with s’mores at night – it’s a long weekend you won’t want to miss! Contact John Ng at for more information and to sign-up.
Kids Camp 2024: Join us next summer for another fun-filled week at Kids Camp! We can’t wait to see you next year! Contact us at if you have any questions.
Thank you!
We’re deeply grateful for the volunteers, youth assistants, campers and families, and Wesley congregation for making Kids Camp so special. This week is possible because of you! A special thank you to the following people:
Bev Acuna, Activity Leader - Missions
Mikiko Ball, Wish Tree
Young Chan, Tweens Activity Leader - Crafts Amanda Chang, Activity Leader - Crafts
Michiko Collins, Teacher - 1st
Kimi DeRose, Field Trip Coordinator / Finance
Jim Higuchi, Tweens Activity Leader - Woodworking Rob Hikido, Teacher - 4th
Sarah Holt, Director
Jane Kakinami, Field Trip Coordinator
Kasper Kimura, Youth Assistant Liaison
Hatty Lin, Teacher - 5th
Kaylee Lopez, Youth Assistant
Jim Mar, Teacher - Tweens
Karen Mikami, Teacher - 3rd
Aedyn Mune, Youth Assistant
Leslie Mune, Activity Leader - Culinary Creations
Lindsay Mune, Activity Leader - Culinary Creations Kacie Ng, Youth Assistant
Madison Ng, Youth Assistant
Todd Ninokata, Teacher - 2nd
Kellie Nunokawa, Director
Rev. John Oda, Worship Lead
Christine Ogi, Activity Leader - Science
Hailey Oshita, Youth Assistant
Christine Ozawa, Director
Vanessa Perry-Mar, Director
Joyce Pon, On-site support
Michelle Sakakihara, Activity Leader - Missions Kayla Shimada, Youth Assistant
Lance Sunzeri, Youth Assistant
Suzanne Tabora, Activity Leader - Science Lauren Takaichi, Tweens Activity Leader - Missions Michael Takaichi, Youth Assistant
Kristen Tang, Youth Assistant
Sophia Tang, Youth Assistant
Mark Teagle, Worship Lead / Tweens Drama Nako Thong, Youth Assistant
Nolo Tran, Youth Assistant
Warren Uesato, Tweens Activity Leader - Culinary Laurel Watanabe, Activity Leader - Crafts
Jayne Williams, Director
Brennan Wong, Youth Assistant
Special Shout-outs: Hector Acuna, Hikaru Bakoshi, Margaret Cunningham, John Ng, Ahn Nguyen, Brent Nunokawa, Ann Taniguchi, Mitch Williams
55 South (Eric Nielson and Kenton Kuwada), JAMsj Rummage Sale, Kawahara Nurseries, Nordstrom Cafe (Ryan Nunokawa)
Thank you to the Wesley congregation for their generous donations through the wish tree, support, and prayers!
We’re deeply grateful for the volunteers, youth assistants, campers and families, and Wesley congregation for making Kids Camp so special. This week is possible because of you! A special thank you to the following people:
Bev Acuna, Activity Leader - Missions
Mikiko Ball, Wish Tree
Young Chan, Tweens Activity Leader - Crafts Amanda Chang, Activity Leader - Crafts
Michiko Collins, Teacher - 1st
Kimi DeRose, Field Trip Coordinator / Finance
Jim Higuchi, Tweens Activity Leader - Woodworking Rob Hikido, Teacher - 4th
Sarah Holt, Director
Jane Kakinami, Field Trip Coordinator
Kasper Kimura, Youth Assistant Liaison
Hatty Lin, Teacher - 5th
Kaylee Lopez, Youth Assistant
Jim Mar, Teacher - Tweens
Karen Mikami, Teacher - 3rd
Aedyn Mune, Youth Assistant
Leslie Mune, Activity Leader - Culinary Creations
Lindsay Mune, Activity Leader - Culinary Creations Kacie Ng, Youth Assistant
Madison Ng, Youth Assistant
Todd Ninokata, Teacher - 2nd
Kellie Nunokawa, Director
Rev. John Oda, Worship Lead
Christine Ogi, Activity Leader - Science
Hailey Oshita, Youth Assistant
Christine Ozawa, Director
Vanessa Perry-Mar, Director
Joyce Pon, On-site support
Michelle Sakakihara, Activity Leader - Missions Kayla Shimada, Youth Assistant
Lance Sunzeri, Youth Assistant
Suzanne Tabora, Activity Leader - Science Lauren Takaichi, Tweens Activity Leader - Missions Michael Takaichi, Youth Assistant
Kristen Tang, Youth Assistant
Sophia Tang, Youth Assistant
Mark Teagle, Worship Lead / Tweens Drama Nako Thong, Youth Assistant
Nolo Tran, Youth Assistant
Warren Uesato, Tweens Activity Leader - Culinary Laurel Watanabe, Activity Leader - Crafts
Jayne Williams, Director
Brennan Wong, Youth Assistant
Special Shout-outs: Hector Acuna, Hikaru Bakoshi, Margaret Cunningham, John Ng, Ahn Nguyen, Brent Nunokawa, Ann Taniguchi, Mitch Williams
55 South (Eric Nielson and Kenton Kuwada), JAMsj Rummage Sale, Kawahara Nurseries, Nordstrom Cafe (Ryan Nunokawa)
Thank you to the Wesley congregation for their generous donations through the wish tree, support, and prayers!