Pastor's Reflection 2023-10-26
Rev. John Oda
Dear Wesley UMC Community,
On October 8th, we held a Town Hall Discussion around the rebranding process at Wesley Church. (See pics) Rebranding is the process of refreshing and updating our identity, including our messaging and overall image. It is a way to reach out to and attract new people in the surrounding communities with some fresh and appealing messages while at the same staying true to our core beliefs, and holding onto Wesley’s important and distinguished history.
For this initial step into the rebranding process, the October 8th Town Hall Discussion was facilitated by Selby Ewing, the Director of Communications for the Cal-Nevada Annual Conference and Hanna Widlund, the Communications Associate for Cal-Nevada. I am happy to report that 78 people were in attendance for this lively discussion!
Why is this rebranding important? Our rebranded messaging will allow Wesley to clearly communicate our values, beliefs, and mission in a way that resonates with new people and hopefully will encourage them to step into the church and participate in one of our many wonderful ministries. Studies show that people spend six months on average “checking out” a church online (online worship, website, app, and social media) before they ever step foot into a church.
The rebranding process is working in parallel with the improvements to of our technology and Social Media work. We’ve already created a new and visually appealing website. We launched the Wesley app a few months ago. And we are increasing our social media presence on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook with engaging, high quality content. A rebranded message will also increase our Search Engine Optimization by optimizing the content with key words. All of this, we hope, will make it easier for new people to connect and engage with the church.
Lastly, as some of you may know, in our society there are many stereotypes and preconceived beliefs about organized religion. According to a Pew Research survey, many younger people see organized religion as homophobic, hypocritical and misogynistic. Wesley’s rebranded messaging and online presence will reassure new people that our church is open-minded, progressive, and accepting of diverse perspectives.
Mahatma Gandhi once wrote, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” I believe this quote is helpful for us as we go through this rebranding process. We working in the present moment to pave a path to a bright future by going through this rebranding process. Mark your calendars because on Saturday, February 3, 2024, we will be having an All Church One-Day Winter Retreat at Willow Glen United Methodist Church to continue our discussion about rebranding of Wesley Church.
Blessings, and peace of Christ!
Rev. John Oda
Dear Wesley UMC Community,
On October 8th, we held a Town Hall Discussion around the rebranding process at Wesley Church. (See pics) Rebranding is the process of refreshing and updating our identity, including our messaging and overall image. It is a way to reach out to and attract new people in the surrounding communities with some fresh and appealing messages while at the same staying true to our core beliefs, and holding onto Wesley’s important and distinguished history.
For this initial step into the rebranding process, the October 8th Town Hall Discussion was facilitated by Selby Ewing, the Director of Communications for the Cal-Nevada Annual Conference and Hanna Widlund, the Communications Associate for Cal-Nevada. I am happy to report that 78 people were in attendance for this lively discussion!
Why is this rebranding important? Our rebranded messaging will allow Wesley to clearly communicate our values, beliefs, and mission in a way that resonates with new people and hopefully will encourage them to step into the church and participate in one of our many wonderful ministries. Studies show that people spend six months on average “checking out” a church online (online worship, website, app, and social media) before they ever step foot into a church.
The rebranding process is working in parallel with the improvements to of our technology and Social Media work. We’ve already created a new and visually appealing website. We launched the Wesley app a few months ago. And we are increasing our social media presence on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook with engaging, high quality content. A rebranded message will also increase our Search Engine Optimization by optimizing the content with key words. All of this, we hope, will make it easier for new people to connect and engage with the church.
Lastly, as some of you may know, in our society there are many stereotypes and preconceived beliefs about organized religion. According to a Pew Research survey, many younger people see organized religion as homophobic, hypocritical and misogynistic. Wesley’s rebranded messaging and online presence will reassure new people that our church is open-minded, progressive, and accepting of diverse perspectives.
Mahatma Gandhi once wrote, “The future depends on what we do in the present.” I believe this quote is helpful for us as we go through this rebranding process. We working in the present moment to pave a path to a bright future by going through this rebranding process. Mark your calendars because on Saturday, February 3, 2024, we will be having an All Church One-Day Winter Retreat at Willow Glen United Methodist Church to continue our discussion about rebranding of Wesley Church.
Blessings, and peace of Christ!
Rev. John Oda

Leading our church through the "Rethink, Re Imagine, Rebrand” visioning meeting were, from left: Shelby Ewing, Director of Communications, and Hanna Widlund, Communication Associate from the California-Neavada Conferencce Communications Department seen here with Rev. John.

They led the 65 or so in attendance through a town hall discussion of our church’s goals and objectives, our core values and opportunities to grow the church.

Lively discourse took place with diverse comments. Here Bich Hamilton (above) and Virginia Braxton (below) share their thoughts.

Posted in Newsletter 2023-10-26