Wesley United Methodist Volunteers in Mission

Wesley United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (WUMC UMVIM)  
2023 Charge Conference Report
Submitted by Mona Otomori, WUMC VIM Leader

Wesley UMC has been recording our mission teams since at least 2003.  We have sent various peer groups on mission trips to serve communities both domestic and international.  Our teams have numbered from 5 to 20+ participants per trip and have included youth, young adults, working and retired adults and Primetimers.  A few individuals from Wesley have accepted the opportunity to join VIM teams from other churches to work in childcare, construction and cultural awareness in Alaska, Fiji and Central America.

It has been our great honor and privilege to represent the people of Wesley UMC and The United Methodist Church in serving in construction/repair, children’s Bible study, medical/health clinics and connectional ministries.  With humility, we hope to present our church community as loving, caring, accepting, respectful and supportive.

Interest for future mission trips among Wesley’s past VIM participants has been rising recently and we are beginning to watch for open opportunities.  The Cal-Nev UMVIM newsletter keeps us informed of new and planned trips, areas of interest and communities requesting help.  At this time, fire relief on the island of Maui is of interest however it remains closed to outside help for now.  With Wesley congregational and familial connections to Hawaii, we hope to send a team when physical assistance from UMVIM is requested.  In the meantime, we keep Maui in our prayers and continue to support monetarily through UMCOR.

We give our gratitude to our Wesley community for your continued support of adult mission trips.  We appreciate your prayers and blessings and we hope to continue to represent Wesley UMC with faith, grace and integrity.  The mission teams which you send forth are humbly honored and blessed to touch many lives through a few helpful hands.  Your love has been spread throughout the world in countless ways.  Thank you and God bless you!