New motorized vehicle gate and pedestrian gates expected to be operational July 31st

Over a year ago, the Ad Board approved the recommendation from the Board of Trustees to install security fencing around the perimeter of the Wesley Church campus.  This decision was not made lightly and came after repeated instances of trespassing, property crime, break-ins, and unauthorized use of church property.  Other attempts to improve security such as increased lighting and the installation of security cameras did not stop the issues. Therefore, the difficult decision was made to install perimeter fencing to safeguard church staff, the congregation, and church property.
So what will change?  For the vast majority of the congregation, there will be no change.  The motorized gate for the 5th Street parking lot and pedestrian gates at 5th Street and the gate to access the 6th Street N lot will be open during Sunday service and during the weekdays when the church office is open.
However, if you are a church leader who needs access to church property during evenings, weekends or other non-business hours, you will need a code to open the pedestrian gates and motorized vehicle gate.
Codes will be distributed to known committee and ministry chairs who normally hold meetings during “off hours” ahead of time before the gate is operational (expected July 31).  If this date changes, the new date will be communicated during Sunday service.  If you do not receive the codes ahead of time, please contact the church office at <> well ahead of the next time you will be on campus.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!  
If you have any questions or concerns about gate operations, please email the office at