The United Women in Faith 2023 Rummage Sale Wrap-Up

From Terri Koike, Bev Acuna, and the Wesley UWF
Our beloved Wesley Rummage Sale returned with a force on June 10th, 2023. It was like a cyclone that hit and when it was over and cleaned up, you would have never known it happened.
There are so many thank you’s that need to go out, it is difficult to know where to begin.
Special thanks to:
Amy Kaneshiro for offering her garage to multiple friends and family for a drop-off. The donated items in her garage filled ¾ of our Tuesday food distribution rental U-Haul truck! Then Hector Acuna and Jim Mar loaded the truck and unloaded the items into the Fellowship Hall. I heard Jim Mar said… instead of “Drop Off” (the area where things were dropped off), it should have read, “Drop Dead.” We got a big laugh out of that!!
Mary Horio and Judy Yasutake for providing the delicious lunch for volunteers on Thursday and Friday.
Lynn Tabuchi and her team of helpers for providing the delicious lunch for all the volunteers on Rummage Sale day and kept us well hydrated throughout the day.
Ron Tanizawa, Barbara Hiura, DeeDee Azuma for taking care of our financial needs. Net profit is currently $7,106.48, but this amount will need to be adjusted after all our expenses are factored in.
Our “go-fer” John Tanka for his unending support and encouragement and 2 cents of opinions multiplied by 100. Thanks for the patio map layout and table placements in the parking lot.
Joanne Kumano and “Benson” (Warrren Uesato’s friend) who worked quietly and diligently sorting and organizing all the bags, boxes, packing material. Turning a mountain of chaos into a well organized pile!!!
Tom Oda and Larry Inouye and their Boy Scouts for getting up at the crack of dawn to help with set-up, take-down and sorting rummage sale items.
Dave Land and all the “security” men who helped set-up and keep our event secure.
All the women in Wesley Treasures. You ran your own show there and did fantastic!!
All those who diligently helped to sort and price thousands upon thousand items.
Sorry if we missed anyone.
Finally, thank you to our Wesley family and community for your generous donations and purchases, without you we would not have been a success!!!
There are so many thank you’s that need to go out, it is difficult to know where to begin.
Special thanks to:
Amy Kaneshiro for offering her garage to multiple friends and family for a drop-off. The donated items in her garage filled ¾ of our Tuesday food distribution rental U-Haul truck! Then Hector Acuna and Jim Mar loaded the truck and unloaded the items into the Fellowship Hall. I heard Jim Mar said… instead of “Drop Off” (the area where things were dropped off), it should have read, “Drop Dead.” We got a big laugh out of that!!
Mary Horio and Judy Yasutake for providing the delicious lunch for volunteers on Thursday and Friday.
Lynn Tabuchi and her team of helpers for providing the delicious lunch for all the volunteers on Rummage Sale day and kept us well hydrated throughout the day.
Ron Tanizawa, Barbara Hiura, DeeDee Azuma for taking care of our financial needs. Net profit is currently $7,106.48, but this amount will need to be adjusted after all our expenses are factored in.
Our “go-fer” John Tanka for his unending support and encouragement and 2 cents of opinions multiplied by 100. Thanks for the patio map layout and table placements in the parking lot.
Joanne Kumano and “Benson” (Warrren Uesato’s friend) who worked quietly and diligently sorting and organizing all the bags, boxes, packing material. Turning a mountain of chaos into a well organized pile!!!
Tom Oda and Larry Inouye and their Boy Scouts for getting up at the crack of dawn to help with set-up, take-down and sorting rummage sale items.
Dave Land and all the “security” men who helped set-up and keep our event secure.
All the women in Wesley Treasures. You ran your own show there and did fantastic!!
All those who diligently helped to sort and price thousands upon thousand items.
Sorry if we missed anyone.
Finally, thank you to our Wesley family and community for your generous donations and purchases, without you we would not have been a success!!!
Posted in Newsletter 2023-06-15